Wednesday, December 7, 2011

In God's providence, page after page

I participated in an exercise with a small group several months ago.  Each of us in the group was given a few minutes to come up with a 6-word philosophy of life.  I don't remember the one I came up with, but as I thought about it later, I came up with one that I've hung onto:  In God's providence, page after page.  

One of my daily struggles is worrying how I'm gonna satisfactorily perform all I need to do.  At work, at least, there's almost always more to do than I have time for.  At the beginning of the day, I look at all the tasks ahead of me and I wonder if I'll be able to do them all.  Moreover, it's a certainty that whatever's on my list at the beginning of the day, there'll be more added to it.  How will I manage?  I hate to admit it, but at times I feel something akin to panic.

Two years ago, in 2009, because it was the 500th anniversary of his birth, I heard and read a lot about John Calvin.  He taught a lot about God's providence, and meditating on God's providence has helped me with my struggle with worry.  Nothing happens outside of God's providence and everything that happens is in some sense ordained by God, including everything that's on my list every day.  It's on my list because he put it there.  He put it there in a particular order and I'm to work on each item in that particular order.  Seriatim.  Start with page one, focus on it, and do it.  Then go to page two.  After that, page three, &c.  If there's an interruption or a surprise, it's there in his providence.  It didn't take him by surprise.  This sounds pretty basic, yet thinking about my day in terms of the providence of God has really made a difference in my attitude.  I wish I could say I'm cured of all worry, but that's not true.  Nevertheless, multiple times a day as I think about what I'm doing, I call to mind the sovereignty and the providence of God, and that's a good thing.    

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